The first company president,"Kiyoshi Dohman" is born as the second
son of the well-established soy sauce brewing storehouse "Naniwa
brewing" present head of a household of Osaka. Because eldest son,
Dohman Sojiro succeeded the soy sauce production dealership of the
business, Kiyoshi splits with the Osaka head family in 1920 and
moves to Kobe. He pays his attention to import Worcester sauce from
U.K. and starts a study and the consignment sales of the import
liquid seasoning around Kobe foreigner settlements. He starts domestic
Worcester sauce production made in the "Dohman seasoning research
institute" establishment company in 1923.
world's first super thick Worcester sauce was created in this factory
in January, 1948 and was named "Tonkatsu Sauce". The manners and
customs to use this for okonomiyaki colonize, and it is brought
up by Kansai food culture, and it is for words to express kind in
itself of the source now afterwards. It released "Okonomiyaki Sauce
1L" in 1968 and developed "Yakisoba Sauce" in the same way in 1976
and we could load it onto 500ML plastic bottle advanced in those
days with "Okonomiyaki Sauce" pairwise for a general merchandising
store and released it.
the early morning of January 17, 1995, Great Hanshin Earthquake attacked
this area without mercy, and we have lost all of head office and most
of the factories. However, it became all employee bullets from the earthquake
disaster next day and it was supported for the thick support of the various
places of the user and, aiming at the rebuilding of the company, decided
a headquarter shift, and Kobe Port Island was able to complete a new star
seasoning factory "Sauce Dream Studio" of "HACCP, the ISO9001 correspondence"
with ability more than conventional 1.8 times in July, 1997.